Sunday, March 28, 2010

Proof that Enagic uses Medical Devices

Over and over I hear that Enagic's units are too expensive and that other units on the market are THE SAME for less money.  However, they are not the same.  Over 90% of our competition are units made from the same factory in Korea.  These units are NOT listed as medical devices and have no certificates to prove this.  Some websites claim they have certificates but if you check further you will find the numbers on these papers are not legitimate.
Our units, that produce Kangen Water, are medical devices and have been used in over 200 hospitals and clinics in Japan for over 30 years.
Here is a page listing our medical certificates.

Enagic Certificates

Have a Healthy Day!

Deborah Mumm, The Allergy Queen
The Wetter Water

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