Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving with Food Allergies

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the one of the major holidays that focuses on a meal.  I know it is supposed to be more about the people who you share that meal with...but the bottom line is the FOOD.

I know that I am incredibly thankful for my family and friends this year.  We had two weddings, which were extremely happy times...and then finding help for our teenage daughter, which was an extremely stressful time.  But through it all, friends and family pulled through for us, in prayer and thoughts, and even financially. We are very blessed.

When we have family gatherings we have to take in account of people with food allergies or illnesses.  I have a sister with Celiac disease...who cannot eat gluten (wheat, oats, rye).  I also have a diabetic nephew.  So, our menu has to be constructed to be mindful of what they can and cannot eat.  I know my kids love the traditional turkey dinner with the regular side dishes but we still have to read labels and know what we are putting into these dishes.  Actually, this is a pretty good practice of all people.  If you can't understand what is on the label, then it probably isn't that good for you.

If you want to know more about food allergies and some resources to help you then look here---
Food Allergies

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Remember, people like to hear they are appreciated and loved.  TELL your family and friends this for Thanksgiving...it'll be the best gift you can bring to the table.

Deborah Mumm
Healthy Environments, Inc.

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