Friday, June 22, 2012

Best & Worst Times to Do Things!

 Fun Facts--

Best times to get airline tickets...Tues. night or Wed. morning at least 21 days ahead.  Airlines look at their weekend sales and set deals on Monday or Tuesday, says Expedia travel expert Erin Krause.

Best time to get a Hybrid car....
The last or second to last day of the month in Sept., Oct., and Nov.  New models are coming in at dealerships and dealers are trying to meet their quotas.

Best time to get a gym membership....
January.  This is when fitness centers cut the most deals to help you with your New Year's resolution.

Best time to avoid waiting at the airport....
Early in the morning on a Tues. or a Sat.  This is when the airports are the least busy and your flight has the best chance of being on time.

Best time to shop for groceries....
A weekday morning.  Supermarket traffic research shows that stores are busier in the evenings and are more hectic over the weekends.  For the freshest food, try Tues. and Fri., which are the days deliveries are usually scheduled.  Or ask the produce manager for delivery dates.

Best time for dental procedures....
Jan. and Feb.  The end of the year flurry of people trying to use up their flexible spending account funds has passed, leaving dentists with more open days in their schedules.

Best time to go running is...
Late in the day if you're racing.  At this time of day your muscles are more powerful, and your heart is at its most efficient.  Health-wise, though, early morning is better because there are fewer exhaust-spewing cars on the road, and the sun hasn't had a chance to intensify pollutants in the air.

Best time to get gas is...
Early in the morning or after sunset.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency, cooler temps mean less evaporated gasoline emissions or pollution.  You actually get more gas for your money since gasoline is more dense when it's cool, so you get slightly more than if you get gas when its warmer outside.

Worst time to get a prescription filled is....
The beginning of the month.  That is when social security checks go out and pharmacies are the busiest.

Worst time to have elective surgery is...
July and August if it's at a teaching hospital. Inexperienced medical interns are just starting out.  It is usually better to wait till they've had more experience in the winter and spring.

Deborah Mumm,
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